Saturday, March 27, 2010


We have now trekked to the town of Chame. The internet here is exceedingly slow and quite expensive. So far the trek has been great. The legs are a wee bit sore but it is nothing too serious. We got our first glimpse of the mountains today. Manasolu I think was the main one we saw. It is eighth highest in the world. I had some fab apple pancakes the last couple mornings and plenty of Dal Bhat, the local curry dish. I'm missing everyone at home but I think I can cope. Digby is providing good company as well as the English bloke Stewart and the London lawyer Yvonna.

Monday, March 22, 2010


The trip so far has been amazing. The thirteen hour plane ride to Hong Kong was trying. I don't know how I managed to sit still so long. Once in Hong Kong we took a train to down town and then walked to the tram that took us to the Peak overlooking the city. The great thing about Hong Kong is that the price on the price tag is the price you pay. Also, it is quite inexpensive for a big city. There is tons of shopping and you could spend all week there visiting Prada, Gucci, and all the other designer outlet stores.
Once we got back on the plane, Digby and I were both quite exhausted (having only slept an hour since we left) so we caught forty winks. There was a stop-over in Bangladesh and then on to Kathmandu. At the airport we got our visas and luggage and went out to find a taxi. After some sketchy business (an unauthorized taxi driver wanted to take our business, but we chose to use the authorized one) we managed to bargain down from 1200NPR to 400 and we were off. We told the driver to take us to the Kathmandu Guesthouse but he took us to a completely different place. Since Graeme and I were both so exhausted, we accepted the accommodations regardless. I was pretty sketched out at this time and was kinda worried that the other taxi driver we bargained with would come and cause us trouble. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard a rattle at the door! I was instantly awake. My hands formed fists as I stood in a fighting stance near the door. It was then I realized that it was just Digby trying to exit the bathroom. My heart was racing so hard I had to calm myself down before I could get back to sleep again.
When we woke in the morning, we found that we were only a two minute walk from the Kathmandu Guesthouse. We spent the day wandering the markets and getting acquainted with our new friends Stuart and Ivonna and our guide Krisna.
We caught the five hour bus this morning to the mountains from Kathmandu. It left the busy streets of Kathmandu and followed a twisty road through the valley. Many farms with goats and chickens lined the road. There was only one sketchy moment where the bus slammed on the brakes to avoid hitting a motorcycle and almost sent our guide who was standing at the time, through the front window. We also saw a goat riding on top of a van. Stopping at a town we then took a twenty minute jeep right up switchbacks and through terraced farmland to the village of Bandipur where we will spend the night. The hotel is an ancient building with incredibly low ceilings and doors. Tomorrow we take a three hour bus ride and then begin hiking!
So much more has happened but I don't want to tell all my stories!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Exploded View Backpack

The packing is all done and I hope I didn't forget anything.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Mozza Time

I suppose I never posted the pictures of me brother and I making mozzarella cheese. It was quite simple actually. Four litres of milk made those six tiny cheese balls. Perhaps it isn't too efficient. I couldn't even tell you how good it tasted because if I eat milk I will spew.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Wow, what a hectic last couple of days. Due to one part my boneheadedness, one part another's, I am going to Nepal without my Indian visa. Hopefully I can get one there and if not, I am just going to chill in the Himalayas for a bit before heading home. I went for a massage tonight and did that ever remove the tension.
Soon I will be basking in the warmth of the snow-capped peaks and smelling the scent of rhododendrons as I track the elusive yeti through the back-country of the Annapurnas. Packing is going wonderfully, I had a clip break on one of my new stuff-sacks, and I have made numerous trips to M.E.C. to collect things that I had forgotten and probably don't need anyway. I am loading up on many varieties of drugs: acetaminophin, acetazolamide, ciprofloxacin, etc, to stave off the inevitable high altitude head ache, and the intrusive travelers diarrhea. I am only going to take them if I really need them since I find the white ones to be too crunchy, and the yellow ones make my mouth foam up when I suck on them. I am still trying to decide on how many pairs of socks I'll need. 22 days in the wilderness could wear through a lot of wool. So far I figure four pairs, but I may have to up it. Hopefully there is enough areas that we can do laundry or else it might get treacherous even to enter the same room as one of us.
I am curious on what kind of activities I should do whilst in the mountain country (aside from hiking that is). My dear sister suggested that I ride a yak. Do they have yak rodeos over there? Maybe I should bring a Stetson just in case. Speaking of hats, my brother recommends that I acquire a pith helmet and riding crop and... well you know the rest. ( If not, go to wikipedia and type in British colonialism.)
This is all incredibly exciting and I can hardly wait to get on the plane and fly over there, but I have to wait just three more days.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The plot thickens...

So I received a letter in the mail today, curiously sealed with a kiss. No return address, and inside: pictures! Oh the felons! As suspected, there were two perpetrators, female. This appears to be the first time that they have committed such a crime as shown by the haphazard application of the lipstick. One is pale, perhaps albino, and the other has no distinguishing features other than lips that fill a good portion of a 4X6 glossy. Both are considered armed (meaning they have arms) and dangeresque. Whodunnit?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Alberta Gallery of Art

I took a walk downtown to look at the new art gallery. It is interesting enough. Hopefully the rest of Edmonton takes a hint and we start to have more fashionable buildings. I noticed that the rest of the downtown core could use a revitalization. It's not just the scattered garbage and the overabundance of homeless people. The design of the buildings themselves are not engaging the street. Whyte Avenue feels cozy and friendly on most days, yet downtown seems to lack a heartbeat.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Call me, text me, kiss me?

So I woke up this morning and low and behold, my car is covered in post-it note kisses! She (they) left a phone number too.

Monday, March 1, 2010

The last coupla weeks...

This is a bit of a visual of the last few weeks in the life of me. Kyle, I wanted to call to the attention the placid expression on my face on the one of me flying through the air. No distorted face scrunched into what many call weeping*. I think I am getting better at not showing my fear outwardly. You may wonder the outcome of the ski-jump? Full on face plant. (See other photo) The hiking photo was taken whist Digby and I were exploring the Kootenay Plains. It was such a beautiful day. Only 18 more days until we test out our skills in the Himalayas! NNNYess!
P.S. Thanks to Digby for the great photos.

* See Kyle's blog post titled "Stunting in the new year." (#3 is my personal favorite. I have gut-splitting laughter every time!)