Thursday, October 14, 2010

A poem

This is my response to a discussion with my roommate on poetry. Yes,
we nerded it out one afternoon reading poetry, sonnets and
soliloquies. He read me some of his works and I fell violently ill, so
moving were they! He challenged me to do better and here I will
attempt. Gag all you want, and scoff too.


I'm invisible she said
As leaves blew through her head
The earth starts six inch's higher
My feet sunk in soil
My crown less than royal
Cold ashes am I, not fire.

Cheer up said he
From the branch of a tree
And smiling he slid to the ground
He touched her hip
And he kissed her lip
And with that, her body found.

She shined her crown
And stooped right down
To brush off her soiled soul
With a flick of her hair
She stabbed him right there
Let him drop, in his chest, a hole.

Why treat me this way
He managed to say
As he bled there next to the tree
You quickened my heart
But I bid you depart
For you fail to entertain me.

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