Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Canada factually.

Today I went on the CIA "World Factbook" website and looked up Canada.
First stop was the photos. Of the twenty-five photos on the site there
was one picture of Vancouver and one picture of Moraine Lake in Banff
and the rest were of eastern Canada. There were no photos of the
prairies or the arctic. No photos of the parliament (or Ottawa). Lots
of Toronto and Peggy's Cove. All the photos were obtained from Facebook.
I found out that we have the seventh highest life expectancy. 26% of
us are from mixed ethnic background whereas in the States 1.61% are
from two or more races. (This may be skewed because the USA categories
are "white", "black" and Asian. Come on, really?)
We have the second highest proved oil reserve in the world. The
strongest banks are here too.
1.1% GDP is spent on military. The USA is 4.04% GDP.
This has been a social studies lesson brought to you by moi.

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