Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Who Knew?

Today I walked home from NAIT. It was just under two hours (I stopped and bought a lens from McBains as well). Then after supper I went for a little climb time with Russ. Yesterday I was doing stairs in the river valley and the day before that: squats. Tomorrow... running.
So what's my newfound joy with exercising? It's the fact that in a little over two months I'll be taking the first steps up the Annapurna Range in Nepal, that's what!
Edmonton is quite a bit more enjoyable when viewed from outside of the Robot Transportation Devices (cars). I thoroughly enjoyed my walk through downtown today. It was a balmy 0C and little or no wind.
Another thing that has improved my mood is that the days are getting longer now! Soon all this sloppy mess will be gone from the city streets and we will bask in the sun-warmed brown-ness of the capital!

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