Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Valentimes Day Spectacular!

Last Saturday Gones, Quinn, Zoe, and Shanna made the trek to the land of the rich hippies- Saltspring Island. It started with a blustery ferry ride, in which Quinn drank coffee to stay warm, the girls took shelter in the car, and I attempted to take a picture of a sleeping hippie...
We arrived safely at the harbour and drove across the island to Mount Maxwell. Ol' Max was covered in snow and the roads proved too treacherous and we had to back down. In Ganges, we stopped to eat at Barb's Buns. It was the most delicious smoked salmon alfredo I had ever had. Q however was not impressed...We wandered around the shops, shooting photos and perusing the goods. I stooped to take a picture of some scrumptious looking organic apples and was informed by a passerby that "they're just apples!" The free things we obtained on our journey were a vinyl record/frisbee and some tasty tea (Gones and I both bought some later). At the wharf, we took in the blue and red rowboat and the naked mermaid statue. Q and Z attempted to make it PG by promoting peace. Unfortunately Q placed his boot in some brown sticky stinky stuff in the process. Uncomfortable moments followed...
After the mess was cleaned up we headed off to Ruckle Park for the rocky beach experience. We saw a tide pool that had collected a great deal of sea life, including a huge yellow (painted?) anemone, an red beaded anemone, a sea star and plenty of rosy bryozoan.
After we made it back to Victoria, we drove to the top of Mount Douglas. Halfway up, a very creepy character was standing in the bushes, his hands up as if grasping a steering wheel. So spooked were we that we all agreed that if he was standing in the road when we came down, we weren't stopping. Thankfully he wasn't, because I would hate to have a hit and run on my conscience. We then had a lovely dinner at Il Terrazzo, which was only tainted by the homeless guy urinating right where we had to walk. All in all it was a very enjoyable day.

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