Monday, January 12, 2009

on Pretentious Bus Reading

Pretentious Bus Reading, hereby known as PBR, is a great way to force your supremacy upon others. Recently I finished reading Sun Tzu's Art of War on my daily commute to and from the wonderful, the magnificent Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Even the business students gave me a knowing nod as they gave their seat up for me. 
PBR books must fall within certain parameters to qualify as appropriate material.
1. The title must be prominently displayed on the front cover, along with the highly intellectual author's name. (eg. The Invisible Hand, Adam Smith) This is obviously to display how intellectual you are. 
2. The size of the book should be small enough to slip into your overcoat or laptop bag (right next to the latest copy of the Walrus) yet large enough to flash the important title about. 
Other things must be considered. The book must be held at an angle which facilitates curious passengers to notice the stimulating material you are perusing, yet not so high as to give the appearance of "nerdiness." It may be necessary to glance at the commoners to reconfirm that you are indeed overwhelming them with your awesomeness. 
As for me I already have several PBR's lined up for the next week, including The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli.



  1. okay so i found your BLOG (very dissapointed that you even signed up for a blog.... as you already know why i think you did....) so you do NOT have to leave a comment on mine.
