Saturday, May 28, 2011

A Science Experiment

First off take your beaker and clean it. Get all the particulates from past experiments out. Now the glass is squeaky clean you are ready for the first chemical. It is a compound you developed yourself so name it after you. Sure you had help but it's still yours. Next, take a look in the cupboard. There are a few vials today. Read the labels. So many wasted experiments because the liquid inside the vial looked all sparkly. Some of the vials are more well labeled than others but hey, this is a science experiment is it not? Ok, found a vial? Good! Now unstopper it. Still look alright, waft a smell, smell good? Pour a little into the beaker. Watch carefully. Add a little heat, not too much or the whole thing will boil over! Add a little more from the vial. Are those two chemicals actually mixing? Yes, wait! Stir a bit. Add a little more heat. Little more from the vial. It's starting to look good now, a little steam but it's starting to change color, deepens from the original blue to a red and now yellowing to a scintillating gold!

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