Saturday, April 24, 2010


At the moment it is early Saturday morning. I am sitting in my sisters
car listening to Eric Clapton and looking at the forest and the ships.
Thankfully I was able to make it on a flight from Hong Kong Thursday.
I arrived before I left so to speak. The flight from Hong Kong was at
4:30pm and I got to Vancouver at around 2:00pm. We spent time at
Coombs yesterday then headed west along the winding road to the mighty
Pacific. We are in the town of Ukee and although I hardly slept a wink
last night due to the cold and jet lag, I'm enjoying the beautiful
coast. I filled my water bottle with hot water so that helped. I ended
up going to the shower house which was heated, and stayed a while to
warm up. Then I felt so hungry because I burned a pile of calories
just trying to keep warm last night. Luckily we had bought some cereal
and soy milk the night before so I chewed through two and a half bowls
of oatmeal crisp with almonds and now I am warm, full, and getting

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