Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Top Ten Places in the World I Want to Visit That I Haven't Yet

1. Kayak- Haida Gwaanis National Park, British Columbia, Canada
2. Hike- Kluane National Park, Yukon, Canada
3. Visit/Culture- Montreal, Quebec, Canada
4. Visit/Culture- Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
5. Hike-The West Coast Trail, British Columbia, Canada
6. Hike- The East Coast Trail, Newfoundland, Canada
7. Canoe- Lake Winnipeg Area, Manitoba, Canada
8. Climb- Mount Temple, Alberta, Canada
9. Surf- Long Beach, British Columbia, Canada
10. Hike- Wells Grey Park, British Columbia, Canada

Monday, January 30, 2012


Right now we are in Mezourga. It is a little desert town. Last night we rode camels out to a desert camp for the night. We heard some local Berber music and had a campfire. Today we 4x4ed around the desert. Literally around the desert. Now I am thoroughly wiped. I'm ready for supper and a bed.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Medina

We just visited the medina in Fes. It was batty. We made it in and out in about three hours, which was more than enough for me! The hassling was a bit too much. It was very beautiful at times but it was hard to enjoy because the air of business, busyness and buzzing. By buzzing I mean that once we agreed to whatever they wanted, it was a constant buzz of chatting, flitting from one rug/bag/shoe, etc. until the eventual breakdown of our mental barriers and we say, "yes, yes we'll buy!"
I am not used to that amount of stress.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


We have arrived safe and sound in the Moroccan city of Fes. After a bus, ferry, train and good old fashioned walk, we arrived at our hotel. Phew! And we only had one hustler approach us. Once we got out of the train station we were golden. Nobody paid us attention. On Saturday we are meant to take a 4x4 into the desert. There are also camels to which Eduardo is not overly pleased about. Yet. He will be.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Yesterday we took the train into Valencia and wandered around looking at the medieval buildings. The gate house to old Valencia was probably the coolest. We looked at a cathedral as well and low and behold, the Holy Grail was sitting there up on a shelf! John Cleese missed the memo I guess. Pope John Paul II drank from it and died a few years later so I guess it doesn't impart eternal life upon its imbiber. Also, some dudes arm in a case. Tasteful it's true.
Today was spent looking at Calatrava stuff. It was sunny and 21 degrees for those of you wondering!

Friday, January 20, 2012

What exactly is a farton?

A farton is a turd shaped pastry. Delicious by the way! This was in a bakery called "Pan Pan". There was also a trinket tent at the train station called "Crapze".

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Okay so the next update gliched and is in December 2011. The past. Spooky stuff. Oh. Those are the alps. Yesterday we flew over them. I really love mountains so I had to throw that in.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


The journeys have brought us to the Spanish city of Barcelona. We are exhausted from the extended flight time and the jet lag but that didn't stop us from taking in a flamenco show! Olé! Everything is quite expensive here; take the unit number of what you would pay in Canada and just put the euro sign in front of it!! We shouldn't stay here too long or we will go broke!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Well, this is it! In a few hours I'll be on my way to Spain! I have only packed the bare necessities, and to give you an idea of how bare; my bag is lighter than a typical overnight camping trip in the mountains. I plan on picking up some clothes along the way so my bag could be quite full by the end of the trip.
Last night, as if to prep us for the jet lag, the fire alarm went off in our building. It was 2 am here so the Spanish towns would have been stirring already.
Another thing to mention; whereas the last international trip I took my DSLR this time I am only bringing my iPhone and the ever crummy Chinese spectacular; the Holga. I purchase a 35mm version as there are three times more photos per roll and thus cheaper.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Some more photos from the winter camp.

This was from some sort of ceremony.

Winter Camping Adventure Superb

We went camping in the Rockies! It was beautiful weather the first day but it became cloudy the second day. We had a big ol' bighorn sheep keep us company at our cliff edge camp.