Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall time hunt

My brother and I went for a hunt in the foothills. It started with a drive in the countryside in the truck. After finding a suitable campsite we set up the tent and rolled out the sleeping bags. By this time it was quite dark so we took a hike to see if we could see any sign. We saw none. As I said, it was quite dark. To bed. I fell asleep almost instantly and dreamt of islands somewhere warm. I was jolted rudely from my sleep from wolves licking my face!!! At least that was my initial thought... It was only the damp side of the tent being pressed to my face by the wind. I didn't sleep too much after that. 5:15am came and we packed everything up and drove to "the spot". Parking the truck, we hiked down to a knoll overlooking the river and sandbar. This seemed to be the place where I would go if I was several hundred pounds and covered in fur. Indeed there were hoof marks in the sand. We waited. And waited. My toes turned to wood as I tried to blend in... No wait, they were frozen. The sun began to rise. No sign of animals of any sort. Eventually it became evident that the evasive elk were elsewhere. We stalked back to the truck for a breakfast of oatmeal.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


This is the second in the series of ambient noise and rhythm. 

Fall Sampler

I have been thinking about ambient sound and noise. The rhythms and percussions of everyday life. I hope this video will express some of that. I call it Fall Sampler but some of the videos were taken earlier this year. Enjoy! 

Some Random Photos

Here we 'ave an example of the Newfoundlanders curious sense of humour... whether intended or not! The second photo is well, obviously, a bear sticking it's tongue out at me! Bears are common as cows where I work but few are as brash as this guy here so I had to share it with y'all.