Sunday, September 25, 2011


Autumn is upon us again. This past week it has been quite evident as scores of birds migrate south, leaves on the poplars turn from green to a vivid sun-catching yellow, the evenings chilly yet the days still warm. The first evening I arrived up here in the Wood Buffalo, there was the most spectacular sunset. I tried to go out to the lake and sketch today but unfortunately my work was akin to a small child's first encounter with artistic implements. Although the fall leaves are very beautiful, I can never get inspired artistically by them. I tried my hand at filmography to attempt to capture the combined sound of wind with the visual of falling leaves but again, I was unhappy with the result so I packed it up and headed back to camp.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Finally! Some more art!

At last, I have willed myself into some art! Behold the poor representation of icebergs! Pastel on brown paper bag.