Wednesday, February 9, 2011

My journeys continue.

I am driving west. I just had to take a photo of this mountain on the coquihalla.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Flammable Orange Juice and Other Curiosities

I don't know who figured it out, but the spray from oranges is in fact flammable. Perhaps it was a minutely unstable individual who was curious to which would and would not ignite. Perhaps a studious scientist in need of a party trick. Nevertheless lighting orange peel spray is a great way to feed the inner pyromaniac.
I discovered some grandiloquently fustian words whilst reading "The Secret of the Sands" by Erskine Childers that are anything but trite. His favorite is phlegmatic which means "as sluggish as phlegm". A superb winter word! (How were the roads? Oh, phlegmatic to the point of being lugubrious) I also enjoy the word platitude; which can accurately describe the first twenty-three seconds of any meeting of people (Hello, how are you? Cut the platitudes Wilson, we both know you care as much for my welfare as you do last weeks newspaper.) So next time life is a little inane, your skull numbed to a moribund torpor, read a book.
P.S. I'm not attempting to light my cabinets on fire albeit appearing as such.
P.P.S The book was very good. Written in 1903 it's a sailing spying story.

Do atheists say good-bye?

I just read that the term good-bye comes from a shortening of the phrase "God be with ye."