Saturday, December 19, 2009

Woot for Hipstamatic App

I've discovered a new app that turns my phone into a Holga!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The Latest Update

This was a wee Christmas Concert we attended.

This is how I feel every time I step outside.

This is Edmonton for 16 hours of the "day."

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Viking Christmas Carol

Slashing thru the snow, Valhalla’s on its way,

Ready axe and shield, for it’s time to slay!

Swords and armour ring, making spirits bright,

What fun it is to fight and sing this slaying song tonight!

Ohh, Viking helms, Viking helms! Charging o’er the snow,

Spear and axe and village attacks is all we ever know!

Ja! Viking helms, Viking helms, through the driving sleet,

All the foe will ever know is the cold edge of defeat!

A fortnight’s time ago, I thought that I’d been slain,

An arrow struck my neck, alas I felt no pain.

The Saxons cry was proud, but soon they were a’feared,

For I (of course) am a mighty Norse, with an arrow-stopping beard!