Thursday, July 30, 2009

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Edmonton downtown. Look at all the empty space!

I believe this was two days after we had a powerful windstorm... some people never learn.

I thought I was lucky to have three sets of twins for breakfast. Apparently the whole carton was doubles.

And they trusted me in the operating room. Here, the invisible man gets a heart transplant from the Wizard of Oz Tin-Man.

Edmonton Street Performers Festival

Rodeo Wain, right?

I know this is really delayed but here are some photos from the ro-day-oh.

Monday, July 13, 2009

iPhone Madness

So three weeks or so ago, Mitch used my phone to check his Facebook... and forgot to sign out. I thought about all the wonderful things I could make mischief with, and finally settled on changing only one subtle thing: I changed his status to "Interested in men." I left it at that and waited... and waited... and I had forgot about it until last night I hear a "WHAAAT?!!" coming from downstairs. Mitch had finally discovered why he had been getting so many gay pride and sexy boyfriend adds popping up in his sidebar.