Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weeeee Squamish!

I apologize for not posting as of late, final exams were darkening my path like a rain-soaked cloud and it was necessary to devote my attention to the matter. Last week I had the privilege of working at the Mamquam generating station near Squamish B.C. It was awesome. Arriving on the coast, we hopped in the rented Lincoln Navigator and rolled on to site. 
Power is generated by these two generators deep in the shaft. A hole was drilled through the rock and the water from the river is directed to turn the turbines. In the event of a complete power loss to the facility, the bottom three stories of this shaft will fill with water in approximately 28 minutes. 
Jordan donned the arc-flash suit to rack out the breaker. 
Here we are taking shelter from the rain (which only stopped when we got to Vancouver).
On Thursday we went into Vancouver for a bite to eat. This interesting fellow was flaming gay. He was the host at a restaurant we visited. He proudly displayed his "Liberace" rings for us. After the meal we went to the waterfront to take a picture of the skyline. Some Germans showed up in a BMW, jumped out and proceeded to head-bang for a good five minutes to some obscure industrial metal. All in all the evening was strangely eventful.